Friday, September 13, 2019

Why I hate Cats (cartoon)

Review submitted by Felix Autophobe

Cats are a funny breed. I mean, who doesn't want to stare at "Nazi Barbie" (a.k.a. Taylor Swift) for 90 minutes as she gyres and gimbals in her wade? Or see tubby James Cordon do something more than pretend to drive around in an SUV singing?

But you would have to wade pretty deeply into this muck and mire to enjoy any gamboling. There's plenty of wading. The costumes are scary and atrocious. It's hard to tell what's CGI or just bad acting and overreacting. In one scene the lead is acting her reaction!

It just goes to show that cats cannot be trusted, even when they've become feline-human hybrids to Babs Streisand's song. All the cameos in Hollywood couldn't save this mess. A better costume designer is needed, a better choreographer, a better camera crew, and a whole new set designer team.

This atrocity should have been killed in production, utterly rejected in post-production, hidden away or released straight to video when nobody was watching. I hate Cats, and you should hate Cats, too. Let's send Hollywood a clear message. Leave the greats alone, and produce something new.
  • January is Taylor Swift month in the Green household. If, like me, you have three young daughters then every month for the last ten years has been Taylor Swift month. Still, Swift’s new album has driven the Swiftometer to an all-time high. Three copies arrived by courier on release day...Since then, the house has echoed to the thud of bad beats from closed bedrooms and mealtime discussions of Swift’s [de-evolution from country music trailer trash to mean girl diva].

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